Kayah Whalaqee

Hailing from the lands beyond the Indigo Deep to the Far West, Kayah was born into the Whalaqee Tribe, a nomadic group of Hyur most known for their conception and use of a unique form of spellcraft known as Blue Magic - the Art of Beast Mimicry.

Now of age and far from home, Kayah's goal is to explore the world she was born in to, seeking out new companions, new places, and most importantly, new beasts to learn from.

  • Name: Elan

  • Alias: Kayah

  • Age: 18

  • Orientation: Straight

  • Family/Tribe: Whalaqee

  • Race: Hyur

  • Clan: Midlander

  • Place of Birth: Lapis Canyon, The New World

  • Place of Residence: White Wind Florists, The Goblet, Thanalan

  • Height: 5 fulms 5 ilms

  • Weight: 105 ponze

  • Skin Color: Pale

  • Eye Color: Green

  • Hair Color: Ginger

  • Laterality: Left-Handed


A kind-hearted and caring individual, Kayah is easy enough to get along with; though she often has trouble understanding other people's lifestyles and upbringings, she is generally respectful of such, even if she challenges or questions someone's thoughts or behaviours from time to time. The most prominent trait one is likely to think of when mentioning Kayah is her adventurous spirit, which often borders on a lack of awareness for the dangers around her - eager to explore and discover new monsters and magicks, Kayah rarely takes her own safety into consideration, though in most cases seems to be good at coming out of those situations relatively unscathed.

Kayah is more reserved and quiet when it comes to speaking of her past - though she is happy to tell stories of her homeland, she is almost always reluctant to discuss her family, her Father most of all. With her Mother's death, Kayah distanced herself from her family, which seemed to be the main motivation for her migration to Eorzea. It's a touchy subject, and one someone should probably avoid.

Alchemy & Herbalism

With a Mother who acted as a medicine woman for her tribe and family, Kayah grew up in an environment that allowed her to gain an understanding over a variety of different tonics, medicines, salves and any other sort of healing concoctions. Though her transition to Eorzea has meant she has found need to re-learn the various herbs, plants and reagents, as well as come to understand ones not native to her homelands.

Archery & Hunting

Since her early teens, Kayah had been accompanying her father on the occasional hunt for meat and pelts, much to her dismay, she has since developed a skillset necessary for survival in the wilderness. Whilst not skilled enough to utilize a bow in a hostile confrontation, she is still accurate enough to hunt down prey. In a pinch, Kayah can utilize melee weaponry in a pinch.


A fundamental skill for making clothes in her homeland, Kayah is proficient in macramé and leatherworking, able to skin and work leather to craft basic armors if neccessary.

Blue Magic

As a Whalaqee, Kayah was able to grow up in a tribe that developed a school of magic - Blue Magic - that allowed one to mimic and perform magical abilities of monsters. Blue Magic Spells can be learned by either watching and mimicking monsters through practice, or by absorbing their aether and practicing independently.

Here is a list of Kayah's currently learned Blue Magic Spells.

SpellDescriptionLearned From
Water CannonCreates a bolt of water, either internally, or from the moisture in the air to attack.Whalaqee Totem (Kraken)
Ink JetAn advanced form of Water Cannon - allows the user to infuse aetherically concentrated water with impurities to create synthetic ink to temporarily blind opponents.Whalaqee Totem (Kraken)
White WindA powerful healing spell to imbue localized currents of air with purified aether. Though highly potent, it is incredibly taxing.Whalaqee Totem (Unknown)
Acorn BombCreates a seedlike aetherial orb, which explodes to release a soporific that induces sleep.Treant
FazeCreates a shockwave as its user strikes together palms filled with concentrated aether to stun and disorientate a foe.Qiqirn
FlamethrowerManifests jets of flame using a burst of fire-aspected aether, which is expelled from the mouth as either a continuous flame, or a ball of fire.Dragonet
Bad BreathSimultaneously combines wind and earth-aspected aether to create a miasma, which is expelled from the mouth. It can cripple enemies with both it's poisonous composition, and it's potent stench.Morbol
VanishChannels aether into the user's flesh to alter their appearance, much like a glamour, to render themselves transparent. The difficulty of the spell makes it difficult to move without the illusion failing.Chameleon
Mighty GuardCreates a rudamentary, invisible barrier around the user's body that helps to absorb incoming attacks to reduce damage sustained. Because of the aether needed to maintain the spell, it makes casting other spells difficult, if not impossible.Adamantoise
Leaf DaggerInfuses a blade of grass with earth-aspected aether to drastically increase it's sharpness and durability, much akin to an actual steel dagger.Mandragora
ScreamInfuses the vocal chords with aether to emit a high-pitched scream, which is powerful enough to shatter glass from a significant distance.Mandragora
ExuviationDrastically enhances the body's natural detoxification process to stimulate organs and the growth of new tissue. It can be used to shed skin and remove poisons and impurities from the body.Warmoura
1000 NeedlesCreates aetherical spines which are expelled from the user's pours, which are expelled at a high velocity to inflict damage.Sabotender
CactguardCreates an aetherial link between the caster and the target which creates a barrier to absorb and reduce incoming damage.Sabotender
BristleChannels animalistic rage into heightened spiritual and physical power, drastically increasing the strength of one's muscle and magic for a very brief period.Boar
Sticky TongueCreates an aetherial tether, or 'tongue', which has very strong adhesive properties. It can be used to pull a target towards the caster, or vice versa.Gigantoad
Toad OilCreates a layer of oil over the user's body. The slimy viscosity makes it significantly more difficult to hold or hit the user. The flammable nature of the oil can also be used to augment fire-aspected attacks.Gigantoad
NortherliesUses ice-aspected aether to drastically chill one's own breath, which can then be expelled like a small blizzard, with potency strong enough to freeze water near instantly, and very potent against soaked enemies.Yeti
Ice SpikesVoid magic; a curse placed on oneself that uses the malice of attackers to create shards of ice, which attack and punish anyone who harms the caster.Imp
PetrifyVoid magic; a curse that uses the eye(s) as a focus, targeting a victim's mental weaknesses and fallibility to cause temporary petrification.Ahriman
Aqua BreathA quintessential blue magic spell that uses water-aspected aether to create bubbles which can be used to smother enemies. Can also be combined with poison to cause further complications for any foe that pops them.???
SnortCreates gale-force winds using wind-aspected aether, either through the user's nostrils, or externally, to buffet enemies away.Typhon

A chance meeting with Adellenne on the 2nd day of her migration to Eorzea eventually led to a temporary invitation to stay with The Era's Respite, so that Adellenne could care for Kayah's growing illness. Were it not for Adelle's intervention, Kayah's life may have ended to her infection. Upon her recovery, Kayah requested to remain with the Era's Respite as Adelle's apprentice in medicine and healing, and retains a permanent residence at the Estate as she studies under her tutelage.

Though Adellenne has been reluctant to let Kayah brave the dangers of the world again so soon after her recovery (much to Kayah's annoyance), she holds a great deal of awe and respect for the Duskwight. She is eager to impress her mentor, even if her impulsive sense of adventure might worry the older woman senseless.

Despite a frustrated Bexy verbally lashing out against Kayah early in their friendship, Bexy was willing to put herself in an incredibly dangerous situation in order to save the Hyur's life, an act that Kayah herself will not soon forget.

Kayah is very thankful for Bexy's willingness to help, and moreso for her encouragement to venture out into the world, much like how Bexy has in her lifetime. Whilst Adelle is much more of a mentor to her, Bexy is a bit of a role model, and a good source of encouragement and advice should Kayah need any.

Another Conjurer working in Adellenne's Infirmary at The Era's Respite Estate, Mhira Karahli is a co-worker of Kayah's after she became Adelle's apprentice. Though they've spent little time with one another outside of working, and have shared little more than small talk in passing, Kayah feels a potential connection between the two, likely to do with the girls' similar age.

A Swordsman and Mage under the employ of The Era's Respite as a Mercenary, Laurent Mercier is a welcoming and pleasant person to be around, and was one of the first members that Kayah was able to be acquainted with, and more importantly, feel relatively comfortable with - he was even one of the few willing to put themselves at risk in order to save Kayah's life, a testament to his caring nature.

Though Kayah is slightly disgruntled with the Elezen due to a misunderstanding between the two, Kayah would begrudgingly admit that she still considers him a friend.

A Miqo'te Monk working for The Era's Respite as a Mercenary for hire, this particular Connoisseur of Sake got off on the wrong foot with Kayah during her 2nd day in Eorzea, in which she saw the man kill a Shark, whom he and his friends targeted for sport. Despite having eventually forgiving the older man after berrating him for his actions, Kayah is still in the habit of pointing out any holes in his trains of thought whenever possible, which are almost always if they are together.

This Sea Wolf first met Kayah once she had been formally acknowledged as a member of The Era's Respite, and was tasked with building and decorating private quarters that Kayah would appreciate - suffice it to say, Kayah was thrilled to have her natural sanctuary, complete with Morbol decor and a giant Fish Tank - which she has since filled with an enormous carnivorous pet fish. Although Moe is a little boisterous and confusing from her point of view, Kayah still likes her for her straight-talking, welcoming attitude.

A Hellsguard Roegadyn who runs the day to day operations of E.R.A's Library, Angry Wolf met and assisted the girl whilst improving her Eorzean reading skills, and research into Eorzean Beasts. It was through Angry Wolf's encouragement that Kayah resolved to prove herself as an adult to the others within the Company, having felt that, since her arrival, people were more likely to consider her a child, rather than the young adult she was.

An Ala Mhigan Monk Kayah chanced upon in Gyr Abania during a day of exploration and deliveries, Berrod was thankfully able to successfully protect the young Hyur from a trio of Qalyana Ananta attempting to abduct her on the open roads.

It was after a few more encounters together that Berrod suggested Kayah sign up to the Astral Agency, with Kayah, at the time, seeking more work to pay off the loan she acquired to buy her own Flower Shop. Kayah is thankful for Berrod's thoughtfulness, and trusts him enough that she feels assured he wouldn't lead her astray. Her time with the Agency, so far, has been positive.

Out of Character

Hi. My name is Ash - I'm a roleplayer on Final Fantasy XIV - Balmung Server.

I'm a bit shy with strangers, but I'm pretty friendly and easy to talk to, and usually happy to help a friend with just about anything. I like RPing, and appreciate anyone who wants to approach!

I've been playing FFXIV since 2.1, and I'm currently a Company Representative for The Era's Respite FC - basically I run our House's facilities and, alongside the FC Leaders, coordinate and run FC events - if you've got any questions about or FC, let me know!

You can either contact me in-game or at my discord - my tag is #Ash 3442

Other alts you may find me on in-game; Q'ana Nulah, Abaryss Slaesathsyn & Vadim Slavasch.